Novella Live, at its core, is an platform dedicated to redesigning the way you think about romance.
What we mean by that is, with access to the proper tools and education, we firmly believe that we can redesign the way you, and everyone around you, thinks about the romance genre.
Our main focus is providing content that both educates and shines a positive light on the romance genre in order to help elevate your work to new heights.
That being said, Novella Live is not solely a romance dedicated platform. We provide access to the Writers Forums and to an exclusive Writers Workshop where we work with various writers from all genres. “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” - Maya Angelou
Writers are not in competition with one another, knowledge should never be kept out of the reach of others. So what we have learned is our gift to you - romance writer or not.
All in all, we hope that Novella Live can be an account that you can turn to when you need help on your writing journey. Love always, Novella & Plotbunny